• Brainstorm O(log n) conception

  • Object.DefineProperty

class Point { constructor(x,y) { this.x = x; }

toString() { console.log(${this.x} and ${this}); } }

const a = new Point(1, 2); a.toString();

  • new Function -> what is this

  • function with bind argument -> new function in memory?

  • const a = []; typeof a === “null”;

  • setImmediate setTimeout(0) process.nextTick

const obj = { Fabric() { class Test { constructor() { console.log(“hello”); } }

return Test;

}, Fabric1() { return ( class Test { constructor() { console.log(“hello”); } } ); }, FabricField: (class Test { constructor() { console.log(“hello”); } }), FabricLambda: () => (class Test { constructor() { console.log(“hello”); } }), };

// new obj.Fabric(); // new obj.Fabric1(); new obj.FabricField(); // new obj.FabricLambda(); // emmiter = new events.EventEmitter();

  • functor and monad

  • differance of TypeError(); new TypeError();

  • Polyfill

  • Prototypes

// const str = “www.some-text)((copy).ua”; // const regex = /([\w+\s]+)/g; // const index = regex.exec(str).index; // console.log(str.slice(index, regex.lastIndex));

  • iterator interface

const printError = (err) => console.log("\n" + err.message + “\n” + “-".repeat(err.message.length));

const errorCatcher = (err) => { try { throw err; } catch (e) { printError(e); } };

errorCatcher(new Error(“error with new”)); errorCatcher(Error(“error without new”)); errorCatcher(new TypeError(“type error with new”)); errorCatcher(TypeError(“type error without new”));

const reduce = ([c, …others]) => { console.log(c, others); };

reduce([3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);

// git branch * if change alternative would chnage the parent *

const node = (data) => { const element = (data) => { const next = node(data); next.prev = element; return next; }; element.data = data; return element; };

const list = node({ name: ‘first’ })({ name: ‘second’})({ name: ’third’});

// підняти handling error up // antipattern reassign function argument // Proxy - add opportunity to change deffault behaviour of getters, setters, deletion etc. // Proto

//! wrap 3 -> function callback never called;

// TODO write wraped function with same number of arguments

//! why wrapped function called when we need it ?


class A { constructor(cb) { this.data = “data”; // cb(this.getData.bind(this)); cb(this.getData); }

getData() { return this.data; } }

const a = new A((getData) => console.log(getData()));

// TODO refactor C lab 1.6

Semyon Sobolev rocketsam Jun 28

I had a very irritating freezes and lags on Latitude 7430 on Fedora 37, and what helped me is blacklisting a module intel_rapl_msr.

You may give it a try with no changes to your system with rmmod intel_rapl_msr In case it helps just create a file /etc/modprobe.d/intel_rapl_msr-blacklist.conf with following contents: blacklist intel_rapl_msr

so echo blacklist intel_rapl_msr » /etc/modprobe.d/intel_rapl_msr-blacklist.conf