

  • / hello / hello
  • / [hH]ello / hello wello Hello

[] is a Character Set

  • / [^hH]ello / hello wello Hello
  • / [a-z]ello / hello wello Hello

[A-z] is a ‘Range’ [A-z] == [a-zA-Z]

  • / [0-9]+/1 1Hello 123 12
  • / [0-9]{2, 3} / 1Hello 123 12

{} means how many times needed to match {2, } goes from 2 matches to infinity


  • \d match any digit character
  • \w matches any word character (included numbers, _, ,)
  • \s match whitespace (space, tab)
  • \t match tab

Special Characters

  • + The one or more quantifier
  • \ The escape character
  • [] The character set
  • [^] The negate symbol in a character set
  • ? Zero-or-one quantifier
  • . Any character except the newline
  • * Zero-or-more
  • ^ Start
  • & End
  • | Or
  • () Separate entity


  • /g don’t stop after first match
  • /i case insenstive match