1. UI layer - captures user input and displays the results of the domain data processing.
  2. App layer - controls the workflow of the application and handles user input.
  3. Domain layer - aka. business logic layer, contains the core logic of the application.
  4. Infrastructure layer - contains the implementation of the application’s technical capabilities. (network, storage, etc.)

Presentation layer - ui + app

MVx (Model-View-Controller, Model-View-Presenter, Model-View-ViewModel)

Model stands for the domain model, which is the data and/or data structures and/or business logic of the application. It is independent of the user interface.

View is the user interface, which displays the data and forwards user input to the controller.

X is the controller, presenter or view model, which is responsible for the interaction between the model and the view.


MVC, MVP, MVVM are all the same thing. They are all a variation of the same pattern. The only difference is the direction of the data flow. So it is dependent on the perspective of the developer.


  1. Separation of concerns (ui from business logic; Activities and Fragments are god objects, so they are not a place for ui logic)