Neovim shortcuts
Motions (link to GIF demonstrations)
Move between section boundaries with [[, [], ][, and ]]
Move between environment boundaries with [m, [M, ]m, and ]M
Move between math environment boundaries with [n, [N, ]n, and ]N
Move between frame environment boundaries with [r, [R, ]r, and ]R
Move between comment boundaries with [* and ]*
Move between matching delimiters with %
Delete \left with tsd
togle \frac tsf
Localleader is \
compile -
(vimtex-view) -
(vimtex-toc-open) -
(vimtex-stop) -
(vimtex-clean) -
(vimtex-errors) -
(vimtex-compile-output) -
`<localleader>lI` info full
`<localleader>lr` <plug>(vimtex-reverse-search)
`<localleader>lt` <plug>(vimtex-toc-open)
`<localleader>lK` <plug>(vimtex-stop-all)
`<localleader>lT` <plug>(vimtex-toc-toggle)
`<localleader>lg` <plug>(vimtex-status)
`<localleader>lG` <plug>(vimtex-status-all)
`<localleader>lC` <plug>(vimtex-clean-full)
`<localleader>lm` <plug>(vimtex-imaps-list)
`<localleader>lx` <plug>(vimtex-reload)
`<localleader>ls` <plug>(vimtex-toggle-main)
dse <plug>(vimtex-env-delete) n
dsc <plug>(vimtex-cmd-delete) n
ds$ <plug>(vimtex-env-delete-math) n
cse <plug>(vimtex-env-change) n
csc <plug>(vimtex-cmd-change) n
cs$ <plug>(vimtex-cmd-change-math) n
tse <plug>(vimtex-env-toggle-star) n
tsd <plug>(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier) nx
]] <plug>(vimtex-delim-close) i
ac <plug>(vimtex-ac) nxo
ic <plug>(vimtex-ic) nxo
ad <plug>(vimtex-ad) nxo
id <plug>(vimtex-id) nxo
ae <plug>(vimtex-ae) nxo
ie <plug>(vimtex-ie) nxo
a$ <plug>(vimtex-a$) nxo
i$ <plug>(vimtex-i$) nxo
% <plug>(vimtex-%) nxo
]] <plug>(vimtex-]]) nxo
][ <plug>(vimtex-][) nxo
[] <plug>(vimtex-[]) nxo
[[ <plug>(vimtex-[[) nxo
\usepackage[]{amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath}
\usepackage[left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}
Define new command
% usage
Define document info
\title{\LaTeX\ Document} % \maketitle after \begin{document} should be added
\pagestyle{empty} % no page number
Begin document
\section{Hello \LaTeX\ World}
Hello! \LaTeX\ World\\
Rectangle a = $(x+1)$, b = $(x+2)$ \\
The equation is ${a^2 + b^2 = c^2}$. (\$\{\}\$ to keep the equation in the same line)
Display math mode $$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$ continues here.
Common Math Notation
\section{Common Math Notation}
$2x^3$ % inline math mode
$$2x^{34}$$ % display math mode
$$ a_0, a_1, \dots, a_n $$
$$ \pi\ \Pi \alpha \alpha $$
$$A=\pi r^2$$
Trig functions
$$y=\sin x$$
$$y=\sin^{-1} x$$
$$y=\arcsin x$$
Log functions
$$y=\log x$$
$$y=\log_5 x$$
$$ \frac{2}{3} $$
About $\displaystyle \frac{2}{3}$ $\frac{2}{3}$.\\[6pt]
$a, b, c \in \mathbb{R}$
$$ \left( 1234 \right) $$
$$\left.\frac{dy}{dx}\right|_{x=1} = \sigma $$
x & 1 & 2 & 34 & 5 \\ \hline
% f(x) & what & another & is here & 5 \\ \hline
\caption{A table}
Equation Arrays
\section{Equation Arrays}
5x^2\ \text{words} \\
5x^3 \\
5x+3 & =2x+7 \\
3x & =4 \\
& = 3x
$$ hello there $$
% \begin{itemize}
% \item penci
% \item what
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item hello
% \item world
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item grossery
% \end{enumerate}
% \end{enumerate}
% \end{itemize}
\item what
\item what
\begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{4}
\item what
\item what
\item[] what
\item[] what
This will produce \textit{italicized} text. \\
This will produce \textbf{italicized} text. \\
\texttt{monospace} \\
\url{} \\
$\hat{wat}\ \hat{what} $
centered line
right aligned
another paragraph
$y=\left(\frac{x}{x^2+1} \right) $
\def\eq1{y=\left(\frac{x}{x^2+1} \right) }
\caption{A figure}
\frac{hello}{world} & = \\
\text{category} & \pm \\
\sqrt{ \frac{2}{3} } & = \\
\sum_{n=3}^{10} \left( 3x^2_3 + 5 \right) & = \\
\int_{-3}^{3} \frac{1}{x} \,dx & = \\
\sum_{n=10}^{\infty} \mathrm{helloworld} & = \\
\lim_{10 \to -\infty - 0} \left( \frac{10}{x}\right) & = \\
\int_{10}^{100} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n z^n
$\displaystyle{ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx }$
$\displaystyle{ \int \limits_a^b dx }$
\int x^2 dx = \frac{x^3}{3} + C \\
\cdots \\
\cdot \\
\delta x \label{sec:1}
\Delta x
\vec{v}=v_1 + \vec{v_2} + \dots + \vec{v_n}
Spaces \
End document
\item d+m - dispaly math
Math mode
\item asec|atan|arctan|etc
% \item [aA]lpha|[bB]eta|[cC]hi|[dD]elta|[eE]psilon|[gG]amma|[iI]ota|[kK]appa|[lL]ambda|[mM]u|[nN]u|[oO]mega|[pP]hi|[pP]i|[rR]ho|[sS]igma|[tT]au|[tT]heta|[zZ]eta|[eE]ta
\item "sin|cos|tan|csc|sec|cot|ln|log|exp|star|perp|int"
\item inf|inn|SI
\item trig = "(%a)bar",
\item trig = "(%a+)hat",
\item trig = "td" !exponent
\item trig = "rd"
\item trig = "cb"
\item trig = "sr"
\item trig = "EE" !exists
\item trig = "AA" !forall
\item trig = "xnn
\item trig = "ynn
\item trig = "xii
\item trig = "yii
\item trig = "xjj
\item trig = "yjj
\item trig = "xp1
\item trig = "xmm
\item trig = "R0+
\item trig = "notin"
\item trig = "cc"
\item trig = "<->"
\item trig = "..." !dots
\item trig = "!>",
\item trig = "iff",
\item trig = "nabl"
\item trig = "<!",
\item trig = "floor"
\item trig = "mcal",
\item trig = "//", !frac
% \item trig = "\\\\\\"
\item trig = "->"
\item trig = "letw"
\item trig = "nnn",
\item trig = "norm",
\item trig = "<>",
\item trig = ">>",
\item trig = "<<",
\item trig = "stt",
\item trig = "tt",
\item trig = "xx",
\item trig = "**"
\item trig = ":="
\item trig = "cvec"
\item trig = "ceil"
\item trig = "OO",
\item trig = "RR",
\item trig = "QQ",
\item trig = "ZZ",
\item trig = "UU",
\item trig = "NN",
\item trig = "||",
\item trig = "Nn",
\item trig = "bmat"
\item trig = "uuu",
\item trig = "DD",
\item trig = "HH",
\item trig = "lll",
\item trig = "dint"
\item trig = "==",
\item trig = "!=",
\item trig = "compl",
% \item trig = "__",
% \item trig = "=>",
\item trig = "=<",
\item trig = "<<",
\item trig = "<=",
\item trig = ">=",
\item trig = "invs"
\item trig = "~~", !important
\item trig = "conj",
\item trig = "sum",
\item trig = "taylor",
\item trig = "lim",
\item trig = "limsup",
\item trig = "prod",
\item trig = "part",
\item trig = "ddx",
\item trig = "pmat",
\item trig = "lr",
\item trig = "lr(",
\item trig = "lr|",
\item trig = "lr{",
\item trig = "lr[",
\item trig = "lra",
\item trig = "lrb",
\item trig = "sequence"
% etc.