- Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.
- Good times become good memories, but bad times become good lessons.
Weak AI (Specialized) Strong AI (General) Super AI (self-aware) Artificial intelligence - simulation of intelligent behaviour. Machine learning - is a subset of ai, uses computer algorithms to analyze data and make intelligent decisions based on what it has learned. Deep learning - subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to model human decision-making. Neural networks - a series of algorithms that mimic the operations of a human brain to recognize relationships between vast amounts of data....
Clean code
Knowledge is power, but you must watch yourself fail in order to leanrn. There will be code Specifying requirements in such detail that a machine can execute is programming. Not event a human can is able to do what a customer wants, and not what they say. Wading - impeded by the bad code. We all lock at the mess we’ve done, and leave it for another day. LeBlankc’s law: Later equals never....
A list of all my projects. Project Legend README Files: Most projects listed below have an associated README file, providing detailed information about the purpose and features of the project. For a comprehensive understanding of a project, please make sure to explore its README. Notation: [D] - Deployed and can be viewed online [-] - No README file Kotlin Harpooner Repository A navigation plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, which allows you to quickly navigate to any file in the project....
Architectural patterns
UI layer - captures user input and displays the results of the domain data processing. App layer - controls the workflow of the application and handles user input. Domain layer - aka. business logic layer, contains the core logic of the application. Infrastructure layer - contains the implementation of the application’s technical capabilities. (network, storage, etc.) Presentation layer - ui + app MVx (Model-View-Controller, Model-View-Presenter, Model-View-ViewModel) Model stands for the domain model, which is the data and/or data structures and/or business logic of the application....
Nest uses Expres under the hood npm i -g @nestjs/cli nest new --strict project-name # crud generator nest g resource [name] Controller nest g controller [name] import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common'; @Controller('cats') // main prefix path export class CatsController { @Post() @HttpCode(204) // default 200 @Header('Cache-Control', 'none') // or inject @Res() res: Response @Redirect('https://nestjs.com', 301) // or inject @Res() res.redirect create() { return 'This action adds a new cat'; } @Get() // auxilary path (allows regex symbols (* acts like ....
Useful links to docs Data Structures and Algorithms Design Patterns Ansible Resume
Types var: int | float | str | List | Dict | bool type(var) Spread operator & Destructuring assignment def fn(*args): pass list = [1, 2, 3] fn(*list) Conditions if a < x < b: ... elif False: ... else ... val = "Even" if n % 2 == 0 else "Odd" match val: case "Value" | "Another value": ... case _: # finally ... if ok:= re.match(...): ... Loops while True: ....
types bool string int byte rune float complex var variables string var := "" first, second := 1, 2 const f = 1 // compile time thing if height > 4 { } else if ... else ... if len := getLength(str); len < 1 { // only scope limited len } func sum(x int, y int) int { return x + y } func sum(x, y int) int { return x + y } func sum(x, y int) (int, int) { return x + y, y } func sum(x, y int) (x, y int) { return // automatically returns x and y } a int b *int c [3]int f func(int, int) float64 Guard clauses return early...
MySql Note: it is not case sensetive order matters each complete statement should be terminated with ‘;’ Basic USE database1; # complete statement (if you don't use database you need to specify it ex: database1.table1.field1) SELECT row1, row2, row3 * 10 AS alias # or 'alias with spaces' FROM table1 # case sensetive WHERE data1 = 6 * data2 AND 1 != 5 AND arr1 IN (1, 2, 3) OR arr2 NOT IN (1, 2, 7) OR data3 BETWEEN 1 AND 3 # inclusive [1, 3] AND data4 LIKE '%name' # every data4 have 'NAME' at the end AND data4 LIKE '__y' # every data4 have len 3 and ends with 'Y' AND data5 REGEXP '^[a-h]+(1|2)$' AND data6 IS NULL AND data7 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY data8 DESC, data9, data9 % 10 LIMIT 3 # LIMIT 6, 3 - skip 6 and take 3 -- advanced select SELECT * FROM talbe1 WHERE id = ( SELECT client_id FROM clients WHERE name = 'Some name' ) -- or if compund query returns more than 1 id SELECT * FROM talbe1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT client_id FROM clients WHERE name = 'Some name' ) Joins INNER join -- Explicit Join Syntax SELECT o....
Neovim shortcuts Motions (link to GIF demonstrations) Move between section boundaries with [[, [], ][, and ]] Move between environment boundaries with [m, [M, ]m, and ]M Move between math environment boundaries with [n, [N, ]n, and ]N Move between frame environment boundaries with [r, [R, ]r, and ]R Move between comment boundaries with [* and ]* Move between matching delimiters with % Delete \left with tsd togle \frac tsf...